Monday 4 September 2017

I'm Back

Hi again everyone, I know there has been a really long hiatus since my last post and that wasn't something I wanted to happen, life just caught up with me a bit.
I am planing to reinvigorate this blog again however and maybe do some re-branding as I think its gotten a bit stale.
So if you are still interested, stick around and something will be coming your way soon.


Saturday 16 January 2016

The Movies That Deserve Awards Awards Ceremony

It's finally here! The Movies That Deserve Awards Awards.

Lets get straight into it with the first category.
The nominations for best picture are:
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens
  • Inside Out
  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • Steve Jobs
And the winner is

Mad Max Fury Road!  This may not be a surprise to anyone who reads my blog but it is still a worthy winner.  While it might not have the most detailed plot it more than makes up for it with stunning action, camerawork, acting, cinematography and pretty much everything else.

The next category is Worst Picture.
The nominations are
  • Fantastic 4
  • Terminator Genysis
With only two movies nominated (because I haven't seen many bad movies this year) the winner is

Fantastic 4! What an abysmal movies this was. There was literally nothing good about it but what really irked me the most was that there were so many possibilities for a good movie. If Fox had just left Josh Trank to make the movie he wanted to make it could have been decent.

Next is another heavyweight category with lots of great contenders, this is Best Actor.
The nominations are
  • Tom Hanks for Bridge of Spies
  • Micheal Fassbender for Steve Jobs
  • Tom Hardy for Legend
  • Matt Damon for The Martian
  • Jake Gyllenhaal for Southpaw
The winner is 

Micheal Fassbender for Steve Jobs!  He portrayed Steve Jobs with such humanity but also a sense of greatness. Also I would urge anybody who like good movies to go and see Steve Jobs as it has not received enough praise and didn't do well at the box office.

Next is the other side of the coin, Best Actress.
The nominations are

  • Charlize Theron for Mad Max Fury Road
  • Rebecca Ferguson for Mission Impossible Rouge Nation
  • Alicia Vikander for Ex_Machina
  • Emily Blunt for Sicario
  • Daisy Ridley for Star Wars the Force Awakens
And the winner is

Rebecca Ferguson for Mission Impossible Rouge Nation!  Its rare a new talent can come on screen and steal the show from a veteran like Tom Cruise but Ferguson managed it. She has loads of charisma and acting talent and hopefully could go on to become one of the biggest action stars out there.

The Worst Actor Category is up next.
The nominations are
  • Jai Courtney for Terminator Genysis
  • Any of the guys from Fantastic 4
And the winner is

Any of the guys from fantastic 4! I know this seems like a bit of a cheat but everyone in this movie delivered their lines with the same amount of boredom and disinterest so I picked them all. This is annoying too as the film had such a great cast on paper.

Next is Worst Actress

This award goes by default to Kate Mara for Fantastic 4. Pretty much for the same reasons I mentioned in the last category plus that really awkward interaction in the movie with Miles Teller where she does that dodgy accent, if you have seen the film you know what I mean.

The next award is probably the one I am most passionate about as cinematography is something I love to analyse in movies. I also think good cinematography adds so much to the viewing experience.
That award would be Best Cinematographer.
The nominations are
  • John Seale for Mad Max Fury Road
  • Daniel Mindel for Star Wars the Force Awakens
  • Roger Deakins for Sicario
  • Adam Arkapaw for Macbeth
  • Dariusz Wolski for The Martian
And the winner is

Roger Deakins for Sicario. Deakins, time and time again proves he is the greatest cinematographer working today. Every shot in Sicario is laced with beautiful interplay between light and shadow and stark colors that really show the Mexican landscape at is best and worse. Deakins also managed to give so much personality to the landscapes which really added to the movie.

Next is another favorite category of mine, Best Director.
And the nominations are
  • Steven Spielberg for Bridge of Spies
  • JJ Abrams for Star Wars the Force Awakens
  • George Miller for Mad Max Fury Road
  • Ridley Scott for The Martian 
And the winner is

George Miller for Mad Max Fury Road. Fury Road is one of the finest directed action movies of all time. Miller managed this by taking a ridiculous amount of shots and only picking the very very best ones. Thankfully there was no shaky cam anywhere to be found.

Best Score is up next. For me this really only came down to 2 films.
  • Star Wars the Force Awakens by John Barry
  • Mad Max: Fury Road by Junkie XL 
In pretty much any other year John Barry would have scooped this award up no problem. However last year Junkie XL created such a visceral and complex score that it dwarfed John Barry's. Every track from Fury Road is laced with brilliantly heavy drums and complex violins, this combined with the film made for one of the most visceral experiences ever.

Similar category up next. Sound Design.
The nominations are:
  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • The Martian
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens
  • Ex_Machina
And the winner is, quite unsurprisingly, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Every sound effect in this film was spot on to what they sounded like in the originals.  The ship to ship combat was especially brilliant as the classic Tie Fighter and X-Wing sounds we know and love all prevalent here. The new additions also have brilliant sounds like Kylo Ren's unstable lightsaber and the riot troopers spinning baton.

Next is a category that I like very much as it highlights a film that completely exceeded all expectations anybody had for it.
The nominations are:
  • Spy
  • Kingsman: The Secret Service
  • The Martian
And the winner is
Kingsman: The Secret Service! After a series of mediocre to poor trailers released for Kingsman, not many people were excited to see this film. We were all proved wrong when it came out with a well directed, tightly scripted and well acted film with breakout star Taron Egerton stealing the show from everyone but Samuel L Jackson because of that weird lisp that was so entertaining.

Personal preference is a very big factor in this next category. Most Disappointing Movie.
I don't have a nominations list for this one as, for me, the clear 'winner' is Spectre.

Spectre had an almost impossible task of living up to Skfall which is widely regarded as the greatest Bond film. And while Spectre is not a bad movie its just not very good either.  The action scenes lack punch, except one, and the story is actually abysmal. It is a terribly weak attempt to cash in on the connected film thing that Marvel has pretty much perfected at this point but instead it creates tonnes of plot holes and retroactively makes the other Daniel Craig Bond movies a little bit worse. 

Well there it is. The first annual Movies That Deserve Awards Awards. Sorry for the long wait but it took a lot more time that I had ever imagined it taking. My first review of the new year will be coming up soon and will either be Creed, The Revenant or The Hateful Eight, depending on which I see first.

Thanks for reading,


Monday 4 January 2016



Sorry for the lack of content recently, I have been really busy with Christmas and revising for exams and things but don't worry. My movie awards ceremony is coming up soon, its just taking longer than I expected.

Thanks for sticking around


Sunday 13 December 2015

Joe The Movie Guy Presents: The First Annual Movies That Deserve Awards Awards.

This year has been a pretty great year for movies and in the tradition of a lot of other film 'critics' I am going to do my own awards ceremony for the best and the worst.

As the categories go they are to be as follows:

  • Best Picture
  • Worst Picture
  • Best Actor
  • Best Actress
  • Worst Actor 
  • Worst Actress
  • Best Cinematography 
  • Best Direction
  • Best Score
  • Best Sound Design
  • Most Surprising Movie
  • Most Disappointing Movie 
Expect additional categories as I think of them.
The actual awards will go up after Christmas after I have seen Star Wars and all the festivities are over. Another thing to keep in mind is that since I live in England a lot of movies such as The Revenant and Creed wont be released here until next year so if you see something that is missing that will be why.

Hope you like them.
