Sunday 2 August 2015

Charity shops, movie gold mines

This is just a quick post to tell you about the potential of charity shops, or goodwill stores for my American readers.
Often they are overlooked as being somewhere people just get rid of their junk (and sometimes that is true) but other times they can be a good source of cheap movies.

For example today I got "State of Play", "Solaris" and "Watchmen", three movie I wouldn't buy full price but for 99p, yes please.

You will have to sort through a lot of junk though to get to the good stuff and some shops are better than others. You will also see a lot of duplicates through various shops which can get disheartening but if you stick with it you will find the good stuff.

Its not just the big movies you find at these places, there are lots of smaller movies too like "Phone Booth" that I snagged for a low price the other day.

So yeah, the moral of this story is delve into charity shops and the goods will be there, I promise.

Sorry for the short length of this post, I am actually on holiday right now is why but when I get back next week I'm going to see both 'Inside Out' and 'Mission: Impossible Rouge Nation' so that will be double review for you guys.

Thanks for sticking with it and turns out that people like that post on Bond gadgets as that was my record page views so expect some more top 5's in the future.


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