Wednesday 23 September 2015

What Movies Can Learn From Metal Gear Solid 5

For those of you that are unaware, the video game Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain was released a couple weeks back and the cut scenes are glorious. Each cut scene is done in one sweeping, dynamic shot. Quite a lot like Birdman.

However that's where the similarities to Birdman end. Whilst in that movie they moved and then stayed almost static then moved again, in MGS 5 they are constantly on the move and zooming around the place to give amazing camera shots.

These camera shots are especially amazing during the action, whipping around the environment and showing it from wides, peoples perspectives and various other angles and adds a new level of dynamic-ness that I have never personally seen in a video game cut scene.

This is where the film industry can learn something, normally action in big budget films nowadays is too shaky and edited into oblivion resulting in something that is barely cohesive and incredibly difficult to understand. Possibly the worst example of this ever is the final fight scene in the movie 'Alex Cross'. The entire thing is just a mess that doesn't make any sense at all. ( I will link it below)

If a movie like that just took part of the Metal Gear Solid 5 cut scene philosophy everyone would have a much nicer time, the director, the editor and us, the audience.
Just imagine if movies with good direction to start with started to do longer flowing shots, they would be absolutely beautiful.  For instance if Sam Mendes, an already superb film maker, started to do longer shots for the new Bond movie Spectre, it would be a triumph.

So listen up film makers of Hollywood, stop editing your movies into oblivion and start utilizing the long and even super-long shot. It will make all our lives better, less shooting, less editing, better final product. I rest my case!

Thanks for reading my thoughts on this topic and if any of you are video game player and haven't picked up MGS 5, what are you waiting for!  Its superb.

Link to Alex Cross fight scene:


P.S I know dynamic-ness isn't a word but I thought it fit well.

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