Wednesday 25 November 2015

Captain America: Civil War Trailer Breakdown

As you are probably well aware, the trailer for the new Captain America movie, Civil War, dropped not too long ago and its pretty damn good.
The Russo Brother presence is definitely felt here again as all the shots have the same clean and shiny quality they did back in the previous movie, The Winter Soldier. The muted cinematography is also very nice and gives the wide array of colourful characters a chance to shine.
Cap’s Team

We also get our first real look at Black Panther in this trailer. Being a new hero to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (to be getting a solo film in 2018) he has to make a big impact to be taken seriously among the more well developed and loved characters. Well he sure does make an impression in his excellently designed suit that looks both quite ridiculous but strangely tangible at the same time, a balance that makes him fit into the universe well.  There is also an impressive shot of him sprinting down a highway followed by Captain America, if this is anything to go by he could really be a force to be reckoned with.

By far the best thing about this trailer however was the last shot of Bucky and Cap double teaming Iron Man, it is an incredibly well choreographed sequence with some really complex moves. It is also some great acting from Chris Evans, it really looks like he hates what he is having to do but is still doing it, great contrast to the other times we have seen him all jokey in a lot of his previous fights.

Overall this was a pretty great trailer and I liked how it really retained the identity of a Captain America movie whilst incorporating a larger cast of heroes. Can't wait for this movie and personally I am more excited for it that Batman v Superman.

Thanks for reading.


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