Sunday 8 November 2015

Spectre Update

Well I went to see Spectre again the other day as I really wanted to see it through objective eyes as opposed to the fan-boy ones I viewed it in the other week.
I must say, I had a good time with Spectre this time around. I still stand by the points that I made in my review in that its not particularly interesting but if you go in with a really empty head (and I mean really empty) you will probably have a good time with it.
As far as it fits in with the other Craig films, Skyfall is still the best, then Casino Royale, then Spectre then Quantum of Solace.

So yeah, I would still recommend you go and see it in theaters but just don't expect too much.

Thanks for reading the update.

I was supposed to post something I've been formulating over the weekend but I honestly have been too caught up in playing Halo 5 that I totally forgot. I will get it out in the next few days, its a pretty good one if I do say so myself.


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