Friday 24 July 2015

Bond Gadgets Galore

As mentioned in my lats post, Bond is getting gadgets back for the upcoming Spectre, for his car at least.
That inspired me to create this top 5 list on Bond's best gadgets of all time.

5:  The multi-touch table, Quantum of Solace.

Whilst this is not specifically Bond's and more MI6's I always found it super cool, definitely the coolest thing from the movie.
Its really smooth to use and can track multiple hands and fingers at once, it can also detect objects that are placed onto it. It looks awesome too and is connected to a wall monitor with the flick of a wrist and when your work is done you can attach a net to it and have the most kick-ass table tennis table ever!

4: Submariner Watch, Live and Let Die

The coolest and possibly the most multi-functional watch Bond has ever had with a magnet (which Bond uses to both annoy M and unzip a woman's dress all in the same scene) and a buzz saw built into the face if it which if you ask me is super unsafe.
Bond uses this watch to save his life on multiple occasions like attracting the shark bullet to himself then giving it to Kananga and also sawing through his ropes. Pretty cool and a bit over the top, so basically its the perfect Bond gadget.

3: X-Ray Specks, The World is not Enough.

I have this one on the list just for the fact that I want a pair really badly. I mean they are glasses with x-rays only able to see below clothes, none of that gross bone stuff normal x-rays can see, just peoples underwear and any hidden guns. Pretty great if you ask me. Bond also uses these is classic Bond style to check out lots of hot women then to get the upper hand on a thug, real classy Bond, real classy.

2: Jet-Pack, Thunderball.

Used in only a small scene it was still clear that this jet-pack is awesome, even if you do have to put a goofy helmet on first.  There was nothing too special about this jet-pack (except the fact its a jet-pack), it didn't go fast or high or shoot stuff but instead the reason it stood out is because its, and correct me if I'm wrong, the only working jet-pack on film. Yes, it is actually a working jet-pack and it was actually fired up to get that shot and I think that's awesome!
This is a clip of a similar one flying if you don't believe me:

1: Aston Martin DB5, Goldfinger

Could it be anything else really, this is the quintessential Bond gadget and is still the best looking car of all time an it has a tonne of gadgets:

  • Front machine guns
  • Rear shield (which I never understood as its mentioned to have bullet proof glass)
  • Oil slick
  • Revolving number plate
  • GPS tracking
  • Tire slashers
  • Smoke screen
  • And most importantly, the ejector seat
That is a lot of stuff to be crammed into one car and the ejector seat is now one of the most iconic scenes in movie history! All the gadgets are also used perfectly in the car chase that happens in and around the Auric Goldfinger compound. How can this not be #1.  
Fun Fact: In Thunderball it is seen to also have rear shooting water guns.

Hope you enjoyed the list, I sure had fun making it. I am probably going to see Inside Out at some point in the nest few days so I will bring you the review of that ASAP.

I would love to hear your favorite Bond gadget in the comments below!


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