Monday 13 July 2015

Lets talk about the Batman V Superman trailer

Well, as most of you might know by now San Diego Comic Con was ran over the past couple.
The highlight of the event for me and many other people was the new trailer for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice.

I have to admit, whilst I though Man of Steel was alright (the fighting was awesome but everything else was pretty dull) I have been on the very skeptical side towards this movie since it first got announced and I wasn't too thrilled by the first trailer. That's mostly down to the fact that I don't have too much faith in Zack Snyder and Warner Bros in making a cohesive universe like Joss Whedon and Disney have done with the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
This trailer has totally turned me around though. Firstly Batman. This might be the most bad ass Batman we haven ever seen on screens, the small segments of fighting we have seen with him look very fluid and full of motion. Ben Affleck, or 'Batffleck' if you will, looks great as Bruce Wayne as well having the right on screen presence for the role.

Whilst I think Henry Cavill is fine in the role of Superman, the most interesting part about his character in the trailer is his relationship with the public. He is clearly hated by some people for wrecking Metropolis in MoS (including Bruce Wayne) but he is also loved by others for saving people and doing good. This is a really interesting dynamic that hasn't really been shown in a superhero movie before, normally it is an either hate then love or love then hate relationship, never both at once.

This also brings me onto another interesting point. This trailer definitely critiques Man of Steel's amount of destruction as a bad thing, much like the general public did after its release. This makes me wonder, was this Warner Bros reacting to criticism and somewhat correcting its mistakes? Or was this a planned move all along and the fact that the public hated it was just some side effect for setting up the new movie? It makes me wonder, if it was response to fans however I have to give major props to Warner Bros.

The cinematography in this trailer also looks top notch. It seems like Snyder is going back to his patented 'glossy' style of film making we saw in the likes of 300 and Watchmen as apposed to he faux Nolan approach we got in Man of Steel. Lots of the shots are well framed and look really nice, especially that one of Batman on the side of the building which homages Frank Miller Dark Knight Returns cover, which this movie is based on some what.
The coolest shot of them all though was the final one of Superman Ripping off the doors to the Batmobile and Batman standing up to look him in the face. The tension from that few seconds alone really makes me excited.

Oh yeah, Wonder Woman makes an appearance in the trailer too, she doesn't do much in it but her costume looks cool at least.

The bad. Not all of this trailer is great. firstly there are some dialogue lines that don't work too well, especially that one by Mama Kent to Clark where she says he doesn't owe the world anything and therefore doesn't have to save anybody if he doesn't want to. Jesus, the Kent's are sh***y parents.

I feel I also have to mention Jessie Eisenberg as Lex Luthour. He looks awful. His one major line in the trailer is delivered almost laughably and he has no gravitas at all which is like the main trait of Lex!

The main thing that will hurt this movie if not handled well will probably be the amount of stuff in it. It looks incredibly bloated. We have the Superman-Batman fight, the bit with Lex Luthour and the kryptonite, Zod's body is going to play a part in it, Wonder Woman shows up, so will Aquaman and Cyborg apparently, the romance between Clark and Lois, back story about the dead Robin's suit in the Batcave (which is really cool by the way). That a LOT of stuff to fit in one movie.
You might say though "But Captain America: Civil War is going to have lots of characters in". Yes, it does. But they have already been established in many other previous films so no introductions are needed. That is not applicable to BvS.

Also I don't like the fact we are going to see Bruce's parents dies AGAIN, haven't we seen that enough!

I will say though that if they can pull this off it's going to be one hell of a movie. The casting looks on point (mainly on the Batman/Alfred side of things), the cinematography looks beautiful and the story seems like its going in new interesting directions. So yeah, I'm supper pumped.

Oh, and I can bet you one thing, that lump of kryptonite is gong to make Lex's stupid hair fall out.

Link to trailer:

Hope you enjoyed this discussion, please drop a comment if you think I missed anything or would just like a chat about the trailer. Ideas for future content would also be appreciated. Thanks


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