Wednesday 22 July 2015

New Spectre Trailer: My mind has melted!

So as I have previously mentioned,  the Bond movies are my favorite franchise of all time and they were a very important part of my child hood so when MGM announces a new one I get beyond excited.
It was no exception for Spectre , especially since I think Skyfall is the best one so far, and this new trailer just heightens my excitement even more so I'm going to do a shot for shot analysis for it. Stick around folks, this is going to be a long one!

The trailer starts with Bond basically being told off by the new M (Ralph Fiennes) because he went to the Day of the Dead festival in Mexico to do something, we don't know what yet, without authorization.
It shows Bond in a skull mask and top hat which is cool because we rarely see Bond in disguise. It then shows him jumping between rooftops and exploding a guy in a window with some sort of weird gun.
I have no idea what this could possibly be about but I love how the location and setting really harkens back to Live and Let Die's voodoo aesthetic. It's also quite reminiscent of the scene from Thunderball in which Bond is running through a parade. Fun fact, Live and Let Die is director Sam Mendes' favorite Bond film.
We then get taken back to London and Eve/Moneypenny is talking to Bond about how he's 'finished', this seems like it could sort of be a nod to Licence to Kill where he got disavowed.

The next bit is more interesting though, the car. It shows Q and Tanner showing it to Bond and mentioning it has 'a few tricks up her sleeve' and then we see a short clip of it driving. This is definitely one of the coolest cars Bond has ever had. That's mainly down to the fact that it has been specially designed by Aston Martin for the film which makes it a one off (probably excluding the fact they probably had multiple ones that undoubtedly got wrecked during filming). We also get a sneak peak at a gadget on the car (yes, finally Daniel Craig has a gadget filled car!) in a later scene where he shoots flames out the back of it! Hell Yeah!

He then asks Q to make his 'disappear', this won't be the first time Bond has gone rouge. It then shows him going to the same hut with Mr White in that we saw in the teaser trailer. Then we get a shot of Bond with the new Bond girl, Lucia Sciarra (played by Monica Bellucci). I think it was a good idea to cast a bit older actor as the Bond girl as it fits in well with Craig and that fact that he doesn't exactly look young himself. She is also very glamours looking which is a quality that has been missing from the Bond girls as of late (with the exception of Vesper and Severine) and give this a more classic Bond feel.

The next bit is really interesting, we see the henchman Mr Hinx (Dave Bautista) killing some dudes and he really looks like a force to be reckoned with.  What I'm hoping for however with his character is that we get a quirk like we have done with old henchmen such as Oddjob or Jaws, having one would really make him a classic henchman especially since his name seems like something a character back in the days of Sean Connery could be called.

We then get some action shots in the mountains with clips of Lea Seydoux's character Madeleine Swann (another great name) having a heated discussion with Bond. It really looks like these two could work really well together in the movie and be almost like a better version of Bond and Camille from Quantum of Solace.

Then we are shown some dialogue about how Bond 'links it all together' and some stuff about Spectre. We  also get conformation that it was Christoph Waltz playing that shadowy guy from the teaser trailer who's official character name is Franz Oberhauser but he is assumed to be Blofeld, we also see him later on in a very Blofeld-esque shirt that was reminiscent of what he wore in You Only Live Twice, but you never know I suppose. Some have said that Andrew Scott's character could turn out to be Blofeld.

We then get the obligatory action montage with the overlapped dialogue, not much to talk about there. We then see a sweet stunt with a helicopter which is a little bit like the stunt from The Man With the Golden Gun where they corkscrew the car over the river (I just hope they don't play a cheesy sound effect with it this time).

Oberhauser then says that he has been 'the author of all your pain' to Bond. I really hope this means that everything that happened in Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace and Skyfall has been down to him because that would really connect Craig's films nicely and make them seem like one continuity more than they do now.
Then there is more of the action montage and the trailer ends on the Spectre logo.

The cinematography in this trailer is really wonderful and clean, it looks like Sam Mendes has done it again. The acting also looks great with maybe the exception of Naomie Harris, that's probably only because I really didn't like her from Skyfall.

The only thing I would say is wrong with this trailer is that it may have given us a bit too much, especially with that 'author of all your pain' line. They really should have done what DC did with the Batman V Superman trailer and just shown imagery and not too much dialogue.

Great trailer nonetheless and I'm super excited! and I especially love the nods to all the older Bond movies, this could be a real classic!

Link to trailer:

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. The schedule that I'm following now (about 1 post every 2 or 3 days) is what I'm going to be sticking to for a while just to inform you.


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