Tuesday 14 July 2015

More DC news with the Suicide Squad Trailer

Another thing to come out of San Diego Comic Con has been the Suicide Squad trailer.
There isn't as much to talk about with this trailer as there was with the Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice one but there is one very interesting point in it.

Firstly I just have to say, Margot Robbie (Focus, Wolf of Wall Street) as Harley Quinn looks like absolute perfect casting, everything that comes out of her mouth in this trailer is drenched in a super sinister twang but also has a shred of innocence left. This perfectly captures the character of Harley Quinn (although I hope for a it more humor to be thrown in for her) and her costume design/look fits perfectly well into the whole universe Warner Bros seems to be creating here with their DC universe. I do think its a slight shame thought that we wont be seeing her in a more traditional Harley Quinn role more akin to the comics but you cant have everything right. Her "I hope he has insurance" line is delivered perfectly as well.

The other stand out character that's not the Joker in the trailer is Deadshot, played by Will Smith (pretty much everything).
His costume for one seems dead on comic accurate, especially when he is seen wearing the mask. But this does leave me to wonder, will this fit in with the rest of the DC universe well as all the other villain characters (at least so far) have this updated and revised, almost punky look about them. I suppose only time will tell.
I also can't say much about how Smith will play the part as in the trailer he only has a couple lines and none strike me as anything but standard Will Smith. He is a fantastic actor though so I'm sure whatever he does with the role will be great.

Batman played by Ben Affleck (see my break down of the Batman V Superman trailer to find my thoughts on him) also appears in the trailer hanging onto the Jokers car, I suppose its nice to have a bit of Batman but I'm worried that maybe him and the Joker will take a bit too much of the spotlight away from the actual Suicide Squad.

The rest of the characters seem kind of dull if I'm being honest, especially Jai Courtney as Captain Boomerang, the worlds dumbest villain. Killer Croc looks alright I guess, could have been a bit beefier.

OK, so the main reason everyone is so hyped for this movie is Jared Leto (Fight Club, Requiem for a Dream) as the Joker. When the first picture of him in costume was released the reaction was pretty awful, understandable so as it was an awful picture. (shown Below)

People hated and still do hate the tattoos (myself included) and the fact that he looks like Marilyn Manson has had his hair dyed green. The problems didn't stop there either, the weird silver grill, that gigantic ring and the lack of the purple suit, which has been a Joker staple since like forever and is vital to the characters comedic roots.

But oh man, this trailer has completely turned me around, Leto's performance seems awesone from the short time we got to preview it. The laugh is sinister as anything and the way he delivers the line "I'm not gonna kill ya, I'm just gonna hurt you really, really bad" is legitimately terrifying. This could be the scariest Joker yet. I still hate the look though and the fact he has a bright purple super car doesn't make it any better.
I also wonder who the person at the end of the trailer, who he is obviously going to torture, is?  Could it be Harley Quinn as a step to make her insane. Or could it be a flash back to him with the second Robin, who he ultimately kills (we see the suit in the BvS trailer). We will have to wait and find out.

I'm still slightly skeptical about this movie, mainly for the fact that for it to work as best as possible it really should be as dark and gruesome as possible but I'm afraid they might go down the route of making it a 12a to fit in with the rest of the franchises which would hurt it a lot.
But if they pull this one together it could turn out to be an interesting new concept and a cracking movie.

Link to trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WI3hecGO_04


Hope you enjoyed this, I should be going to see Ant Man on Sunday so I should have a review of that up on Monday and at latest Tuesday.
There will be another post between then and now but at this time I'm not really sure what its going to be, suggestions in the comments would be helpful. As always I am grateful for any amount of views and currently I am at 17 which is way more that I could have expected, thanks everybody.

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